By purchasing your future vehicle through our company, we are able to propose you diverse car services. you will benefit from our rates and be put in contact with the reliable craftsmen.
Car Financing Advice
Regular activities within our company also include helping our clients finding financing for modern cars either by applying for a car loan, a leasing or a lease-to-buy according to the vehicle type.
Window tinting
We can offer for safety, discretion or aesthetics a quick professionnal car window tinting, darking and films.
De par notre agrément par la préfecture de Police nous prendrons en charge toutes les démarches administratives et effectueront en votre nom l'immatriculation de votre véhicule qu'il soit français ou étranger.
Due to our approval by the police headquarters we can take care of all the administrative procedures and will make on your behalf the registration of your vehicle, beeing French or foreign.
Car Storage
We can help you store your vehicules near our garage if needed.
In partnership with Les Companions du Lavage, our neighbour in our premises of Boulevard Suchet, we can provide you with a professional auto detailing services (interior & exterior) and maintenance.
Due to our long experience with classical cars, we can introduce you to high quality restoration specialists of any car, year or model and in all the possible fields.
If necessary, we can schedule immediately a meeting with a Motor Car expert appointed by court to estimate your car for insurance purposes.